
- 연락처042-520-5712
- E-mailsaemmi@pcu.ac.kr
- 연구실예술관 431호
- 강의과목실내건축의이해, 공간디자인계획, 컴퓨터그래픽, BIM, 한국실내건축사, 건축생산과AI, 캡스톤디자인
- 오스트레일리아 Univ. of Sydney 공학박사(건축디자인이론 및 디자인 과학 전공)
- 미국 Univ. of California, Los Angeles 공학석사(건축 전공)
- 홍익대학교 공학석사(건축디자인이론 및 한국건축사 전공)
- 홍익대학교 학사
경력 및 활동
- Paichai University
- Architectural Design Studio
- Kun-A Consultant Architectural Office
- Interior Design Studio
- Korean Architecture
- University of Sydney (tutor)
- Institute of Korean Architectural Landscape
- Furniture Design
- Borneo Furniture
- 2012, A comparative study on the inner space composition of a building between Louis I. Kahn and Rem Koolhaas through Psychoanalysis.(Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal, Vol. 21 No 5)
- 2011, Metaphor Design in Daniel Libeskind's Jewish Museum (International Journal of Spatial Design & Research, Vol. 11)
- 2010, A study on the learning shape knowledge and design with inductive generalization. (Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal, Vol. 19 No 6)
- 2009, Representation and design methods of "Light Eco" applied at the south elevation of Ronchamp cathedral. (Journal of Architectural institute of Korea, Vol. 25)
- 2005, A Study on the Roles of Shape Properties and Perceptual Process in Evaluation of Aesthetics (Journal of Architectural institute of Korea, Vol. 21 No 5)
- 2005, A Study on metaphor process in south windows of the Chapel at Ronchamp (Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal, Vol. 14 No 2)
- 2005, A study on the roles of shape properties in evalution of aesthetics values on shapes. (Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal, Vol. 14 No 2)
- 2004, Contemporary Representation of Traditional Architecture Design Knowledge through Design Concept (Journal of Architectural institute of Korea, Vol. 20 No 7)
- 2004, Metaphoric creativity in Aldo Rossi Design (Journal of Engineering Paichai university, Vol 6 No 1)
- 2004, A study on the schema of plane organisation by Louis I. Kahn's design concept and shape elements (Journal of Architectural institute of Korea, Vol. 20 No 3)
- 2003, Shape Schema representation for Evaluation of Aesthetic value on Shape (Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal, Vol. 16 No 2)
- 2002, Recognition of Shape Similarity using Shape Pattern Representation for Design Computation (Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal, Vol. 15 No 4)
- 2002, A Metaphor Model For Architectural Design Generation (International Journal of Architecture in Asia)
- 2001, Analysis of Architectural Buildings designed using metaphorical idea for creative thinking. (Proceeding of Architectural institute of Korea, Vol. 17 No 9)
- 2000, Architectural Shape Design Knowledge Representation for Design Computation using Algebra (Journal of Architectural institute of Korea, Vol. 16 No 9)
- 2000,Inductive Generalisation in Formal Descriptions for Style Learning (Journal of Architectural institute of Korea, Vol. 16 No 3)
- 1999, Style Learning : Inductive Generalisation of Architectural Shape Patterns (The 17th Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe)
- 1998, Shape pattern recognition using a computable representation (Artificial Intelligence in Design)
- 1997 ,Computer-Based Representation of Patterns in Architectural Shapes (CAADRIA'97)
학술발표 및 활동
- 2010 ~ 2012, 귀납적 프로세스를 이용한 형태 지식 인지와 이를 이용한 건축형태 생성에 관한 연구, 한국연구재단
- 2007, 고기능 냉연재를 활용한 스틸 가구 수요확대, 포스코
- 2005, 해양유물가치가 있는 등대의 보존 및 활용에 관한 조사 연구, 해양수산부
- 2005, 대덕연구단지내 보육시설에 관한 요구조사 및 발전방안 연구, 대덕전문연구단지 관리본부
- 2003, 형태 스키마의 논리적 표현을 이용한 건축 형태에 나타나는 미학특성의 평가 방법에 관한 연구, 학술진흥재단
- 2001 ~ 2003, 전통지식의 적용을 위한 디자인 과정의 이론화 연구, 학술진흥재단
- 2000 ~ 2003, 은유기법을 이용한 디자인 개념의 형상화 모델 개발에 관한 연구, 한국과학재단
- 2005, 제2회 bob 가구디자이너 회원전
- 2004, 제1회 bob 가구디자이너 회원전
- 2001, 1회 수납 공간디자인 세미나