
- 연락처042-520-5916
- 연구실미래창조관 305호
- 강의과목배터리개론, 전기전자회로, 반도체소재 및 공정, 배터리실험, 이차전지, 태양전지공학, 배터리관리시스템
- 일본 Tokyo Institute of Technology 공학박사(물질과학창조 전공)
- 배재대학교 공학석사(무기재료 전공)
- 배재대학교 학사
경력 및 활동
- 2006 ~ 현재 : 배재대학교 신소재공학과 교수 (정보전자소재공학과)
- 2004 ~ 06 : Researcher, Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology
- 2003 ~ 04 : Research Fellow, Combinatorial Materials Exploration and Technology, National Institute for Materials Science
- 1996 ~ 99 : 한국과학기술원 전자세라믹재료연구센터 위촉연구원
- 1994 ~ 96 : 배재대학교 무기재료공학과 조교
- Facile Glycothermal Synthesis of KxNa(1-x)NbO3 Particles, CRYSTALS, 2022.
- Glycothermally Synthesized Self-aggregated ZnS Spherical Particles for Methyl Orange Photodecomposition, KOREAN JOURNAL OF METALS AND MATERIALS, 2021.
- Effect of Additive Ammonium Hydroxide on ZnO Particle Properties Synthesized by Facile Glycol Process, Korean Journal of Materials Research, 2021.
- Effect of plasma electrolytic oxidation conditions on oxide coatings properties of die-cast AZ91D Mg alloy, Korean Journal of Materials Research, 2019.
- Fabrication and Characterization of Spherical Carbon-Coated Li3V2(PO4)3 Cathode Material by Hydrothermal Method with Reducing Agent, Korean Journal of Materials Research, 2019.
- Solid electrolyte impedancemetric NOx sensor attached with zeolite receptor, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 2018.
- Influence of electrolytic KF on the uniform thickness of oxide layers formed on AZ91 Mg alloy by plasma electrolytic oxidation, Korean Journal of Materials Research, 2017.
- Fabrication of ZnS powder by glycothermal method and its photocatalytic properties, Korean Journal of Materials Research, 2017.
- 치과도재의 Glazing 여부에 따른 수분침투 정도와굽힘강도에 미치는 영향, 치위생과학회지, 2017.
- Effect of water content on the morphology of ZnO powders synthesized in binary solvent mixtures by glycol process, Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society, 2017.
- Low-Temperature Synthesis of CuS Nanopowders Using a Simple Glycolate Method, JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, 2017.
- Facile glycothermal synthesis of ZnO nanopowder at low temperature, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 2016.
- LaCrxCo1-xO3/Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7(PO4)3의 적층구조를 가지는 가스센서 제조와 그의 NOx 검지특성, 한국재료학회지, 2015.
- Glycothermal Synthesis and Photocatalytic Properties of Highly Crystallized Anatase TiO2 Nanoparticles, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015.
- Interrelatedness of Fe composition on structural and magnetic properties in Fe-doped SrRuO3 thin films, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, 2014.
- Influence of the Duty Cycle on Structural and Mechanical Properties of Oxide Layers on Al-1050 by a Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Process, Metal and Materials International, 2014.
- RHEED study on continuously repeated step flow and layer-by-layer growth modes in SrRuO3/SrMnO3 superlattice, CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS, 2014.
- Combinatorial Composition Films and Dielectric Properties of BaxSr1-xTiO3 Grown on Two-Inch p-Si using PLD Process, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 2013.
- Sensing behavior of solid-state impedancemetric NOx sensor using solid electrolyte transducer and oxide receptor, Sensors and Actuators B, 2013.
- Al-1050 위에 플라즈마 전해 산화법으로 형성된 Al2O3 피막 특성에 미치는 듀티사이클의 영향, 한국세라믹학회지, 2013.
- 플라즈마 전해 산화법에 의한 Al-1050 표면상의 산화막 제조에 미치는 전기적 변수의 영향, 한국세라믹학회지, 2012.
- Sol-Gel법에 의한 Li1+xAlxTi2-x(PO4)3 (x = 0, 0.3, 0.5)의 합성 및 전도특성, 한국재료학회지, 2012.
- Synthesis of Activated Carbon from Rice Husk Using Microwave Heating Induced KOH Activation, 한국재료학회지, 2012.
- x mol% 칼시아-안정화 지르코니아 나노분말의 수열합성 및 구조적 특성평가, 한국재료학회지, 2012.
- Glycothermal synthesis of 3 mol% yttria stabilized tetragonal ZrO2 nano powders at low temperature without mineralizers, Powder Technology, 2012.
- Fabrication of a Pure TiO2 Thin Film Using a Self-Polymeric Titania Nano-Sol and Its Properties, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2012.
- Fabrication of Nano-LaCrO3 Receptor by Polymeric Precursor Method and Its Impedancemetric NOx Sensing Properties, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2012.
- Sensing Properties of Impedancemetric Solid-Electrolyte NOx Sensor Using Perovskite-Type Lanthanum Manganite-Based Receptor, Sensors and Materials, 2012.
- STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF FILMS BASED ON HfO2-Sc2O3 DOUBLE OXIDE, Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2011.
- Polymeric precursor법에 의한 LaMeO3 (Me = Cr, Co)의 제조 및 NOx 가스 검지 특성, 한국재료학회지, 2011.
- Emission Properties from Induced Structural Degradation of a-C:H Thin Film, TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, 2011.
- Investigation of Bending Stability of Amorphous Zn-In-Sn-O Thin Films on Flexible Poly(ether sulfone) Substrates, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 2010.
- Interfaces analysis of the HfO2/SiO2/Si structure, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2010.
- Catalyst-free synthesis of novel brush-shaped ZnO particles by a simple oxidation in air, APPL SURF SCI, 2010.
- Glycothermal Synthesis and Characterization of 3Y-TZP Nanoparticles, 한국재료학회지, 2009.
- Glycothermal법을 이용한 심미치과 보철재료용 ZrO2와 3Y-ZrO2 분말의 합성 및 구조적 성질, 대한치과기재학회지, 2009.
- 발수코팅된 표면에서의 수적의 동적 전락거동, 한국재료학회지, 2007.
- 저온 동시소결을 위한 Ni-Zn-Cu 페라이트와 Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3에서의 열적 거동 및 계면층 특성, 전기전자재료학회논문지, 2007.
- PLD법에 의한 c-사파이어 기판위의 MnS 박막성장, 한국재료학회지, 2007.
- (10) "Sulfide and Oxide Heterostructures for the SrTiO3 Thin film growth on Si and Their structural and Interfacial Stabilities,” Y.-Z. Yoo, J. H. Song, Y. Konishi, M. Kawasaki, H. Koinuma, T. Chikyow, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 45 (2006) 1788-1793.
- (11) "V defects of ZnO thin films grown on Si as an ultraviolet optical path,” Y.-Z. Yoo, T. Sekiguchi, T. Chikyow, M. Kawasaki, T. Onuma, S. F. Chichibu, J. H. Song, H. Koinuma, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84 (2004) 502.
- (12) "45° rotational epitaxy of SrTiO3 thin films on sulfide-buffered Si,” Y. Z. Yoo, P. Ahmet, Zheng-Wu Jin, K. Nakajima, T. Chikyow, M. Kawasaki, Y. Konishi, Y. Yonezawa, J. H. Song, H. Koinuma, Appl. Phys. Lett. 82 (2003) 4125.
- (13) "Combinatorial Synthesis Approach for Optimizing Oxide/Si Interfaces for The Future ULSI,” T. Chikyow, P. Ahmet, T. Naruke, K. Nakajima, N. Okazaki, K. Hasegawa, H. Minami, K. Itaka, T. Koida, J. H. Song, M. Yoshimoto, T. Hasegawa, M. Kawasaki, H. Koinuma, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 700 (2002) 85-95.
- (14) "Growth of NdBa2Cu3O7-y single crystal thin films by tri-phase epitaxy,” K. S. Yun, B. D. Choi, J. H. Song, Y. Matsumoto, P. Ahmet, T. Chikyow, M. Kawasaki and H. Koinuma, Physica C 378-381 (2002) 1202-1208.
- (15) "Vapor–liquid–solid tri-phase pulsed-laser epitaxy of RBa2Cu3O7–y single-crystal films,” K.S. Yun, B.D. Choi, Y. Matsumoto, J.H. Song, N. Kanda, T. Itoh, M. Kawasaki, T. Chikyow, P. Ahmet, H. Koinuma, Appl. Phys. Lett. 80 (2002) 61.
- (16) "Thermodynamically steady-state growth of NdBa2Cu3O7- single crystalline films by Tri-phase epitaxy,” Y. Matsumoto, K.S. Yun, R. Takahashi, J.H. Song, B.D. Choi, T. Itoh, P. Ahmet, K. Nakajima, T. Chikyow, H. Koinuma, M. Kawasaki, Proc. of the 5th sym. on atomic-scale surface and interface dynamics, 12 (2001) 323-326.
- (2) "Relationship between sliding acceleration of water droplets and dynamic contact angles on hydrophobic surfaces," M. Sakai, J.-H. Song, N. Yoshida, S. Suzuki, Y. Kameshima, A. Nakajima, Surface Science 600 (2006) L204-L208.
- (3) "Dynamic Hydrophobicity of Water Droplets on the Line-Patterned Hydrophobic Surfaces," J.-H. Song, M. Sakai, S. Suzuki, N. Yoshida, Y. Kameshima, A. Nakajima, Surface Science 600 (2006) 2711-2717.
- (4) "Sliding Acceleration of Water Droplets on a Oxide Silicon Surface Coated with Fluoroalkylsilane and Octadecyltrimethoxysilane," S. Suzuki, A. Nakajima, M. Sakai, J.-H. Song, N. Yoshida, Y. Kameshima, K. Okada, Surface Science 600 (2006) 2214-2219.
- (5) "Direct Observation of Internal Fluidity in a Water Droplet during Sliding on Hydrophobic Surfaces," M. Sakai, J.-H. Song, N. Yoshida, S. Suzuki, Y. Kameshima, A. Nakajima, Langmuir 22 (2006) 4906-4909.
- (6) "Effect of Roughness on Lipophobicity of a Surface Prepared Using Boehmite Nanoparticles and Fluoroalkylsilane," A. Nakajima, M. Hoshino, J.-H. Song, Y. Kameshima, K. Okada, ChemistryLetters 34 (2005) 908-909.
- (1) "Nonpolar a-plane GaN film on Si (100) produced using a specially designed lattice-matched buffer: A fresh approach to eliminate the polarization effect," J. H. Song , Y. Z. Yoo, K. Nakajima, T. Chikyow, T. Sekiguchi, H. Koinuma, J. Appl. Phys. 97 (2005)
- (2) "Structural and interfacial stabilities of epitaxial (1120) oriented wurtzite AlN films grown on lattice-matched MnS buffered Si(100)," J. H. Song, Y. Z. Yoo, T. Chikyow, H. Koinuma, Applied Physics A 79 (2004) 457.
- (3) "Growth of non-polar a-plane III-nitride thin films on Si(100) using non-polar plane buffer layer,” J.-H. Song, Y.-Z. Yoo, T. Sekiguchi, K. Nakajima, P. Ahmet, T. Chikyow, K. Okuno, M. Sumiya, H. Koinuma, Physica Status Solidi(c) 0, 7 (2003) 2520-2524.
- (4) "Epitaxial growth of the wurtzite (1120) AlN thin films on Si (100) with MnS buffer layer,” J. H. Song, T. Chikyow, Y. Z. Yoo, P. Ahmet, H. Koinuma, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 41 (2002) L1291.
특허 및 지적재산권
- (1) 마그네슘계 금속의 플라즈마 전해 산화 표면처리방법 및 이로 제조되는 마그네슘 금속 산화막 (등록번호:10-1464962)
- (2) 알루미늄계 금속의 플라즈마 전해산화 표면처리방법 및 이로 인해 제조되는 알루미늄 금속 산화막 (등록번호:10-1214400)
- (3) 가스센서용 조성물 및 이를 이용한 질소산화물 가스 센서 (등록번호:10-1192866)