교수 소개
- 미국 University Illinois-Urbana Champaign 문학박사(언어학 전공)
- 미국 University Illinois-Urbana Champaign 문학석사(언어학 전공)
- 서울대학교 문학석사(영어교육 전공)
- 서울대학교 학사
경력 및 활동
- 2007-2009 배재대학교 영자신문사 주간
- 2004-현재 배재대학교 영어영문학과 교수
- 한국어 파열음 유무성 대조: 음향단서 분포를 중심으로, 언어학, 2024
- 한국어 어두 파열음과 비음 판별에 F0와 VOT가 미치는 영향: 경상방언 화자 대상, 언어연구, 2021.
- Effects of F0 and VOT on the Identification of Korean Word-Initial Oral and Nasal Stops, 언어과학연구, 2019.
- An Acoustic and Perceptual Analysis of Laryngeal Contrasts in Korean Word-Internal Stops, 언어연구, 2018.
- Prosodic Effects on Acoustic Cues for the Korean Stop Contrast: Evidence from Daejeon Korean, 언어과학연구, 2017.
- Acoustic Distinctions of English /o/ and /ɔ/ Produced by English Speakers and Korean Learners of English, 언어연구, 2015.
- A Study on Interlanguage Phonetics Based on the Duration Patterns of English Nasals by Korean Learners, 현대영어영문학, 2014.
- Perception and Production of English vowels [ɔ] and [o] by Korean Learners of English, 새한영어영문학, 2014.
- A Comparative Study on English Nasal Duration between Native English Speakers and Korean Learners of English, 언어연구, 2014.
- Acoustic Duration of Korean Nasals, 음성음운형태론연구, 2013.
- The Nuclear Status of Onglides in Korean, 음성음운형태론연구, 2011.
- /n/-insertion and Onset Simplification in Kyungsang Korean, 음성음운형태론연구, 2009.
- Two Distinct Patterns of Korean /n/-insertion, 언어학, 2009.
- Korean /n/-deletion: Phonetic Initial Strengthening to Denasalization, 음성음운형태론연구, 2009.
- The Korean /n/-insertion before /j/ as [nasal] Insertion, 음성음운형태론연구, 2008.
- Acoustic Cues to the Perception of the Place of Articulation in English stops. 인문논총, 2005.
- Neutralization and Consonant Cluster Reduction Based on A-position. 언어학, 2004.
- Phonetic Vowel Duration and Stress in Kashmiri. 음성음운형태론연구, 2004.
- Syllable Weight: Phonetic Duration and Phonemic Contrast. 언어연구, 서울대학교, 2003.
- Not All Heavy Syllables Attract Stress. 언어학, 2003.
- Phonetic and Functional Bases of Syllable Weight for Stress Assignment. Ph D. Dissertation. U. of Illinois, 2000.
- Where and Why do CVC syllables Count as Heavy? WCCFL, 1999.
- Vowel Length-driven Syllable Weight. NELS, 1999.
- Geminate Inalterability Based on Aperture Position, 전상범 교수 정년기념논문집, 1997.
- 영어학의 이해, 배재대학교 출판부, 2022.
- 영어음성음운론의 이해, 배재대학교 출판부, 2019.