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안미진 교수
- 2000 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. (박사)
- 1995 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. (석사)
- 1992 서울대학교 영어교육과 (석사)
- 1989 서울대학교 영어교육과 (학사)
- 2007-2009 배재대학교 영자신문사 주간
- 2004-현재 배재대학교 영어영문학과 교수
- 2015. Acoustic distinctions of English /o/ and /ɔ/ produced by English speakers and Korean learners of English. The Journal of Studies in Language 30:4, 951-972. (with Eunsil Park)
- 2014. Perception and production of English vowels [ɔ] and [o] by Korean learners of English. The New Korean Journal of English Language & Literature 56:4, 255-276.
- 2014. A Study on interlanguage phonetics based on the duration patterns of English nasals by Korean learners. Modern Studies in English Language & Literature 58:4, 297-318.
- 2014. A Comparative study on English nasal duration between native English speakers and Korean learners of English. The Journal of Studies in Language 29:4, 749-771.
- 2013. Acoustic duration of Korean nasals. Studies of Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology19:3, 411-431.
- 2011. The nuclear status of onglides in Korean. Studies of Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology17:3, 427-444.
- 2009. /n/-insertion and onset simplification in Kyungsang Korean. Studies of Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology 15:2, 263-282.
- 2009. Two distinct patterns of Korean /n/-insertion. Eoneohag 54:155-178.The Linguistic Society of Korea.
- 2009. Korean /n/-deletion: phonetic initial strengthening to denasalization. Studies of Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology 15:1, 53-72.
- 2008. The Korean /n/-insertion before /j/ as [nasal] insertion. Studies of Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology 14:3, 371-388.
- 2005. Acoustic cues to the perception of the place of articulation in English stops. Journal of Humanities Research Institute 22:83-96, PaiChai University.
- 2005. Neutralization and consonant cluster reduction based on A-position. Eoneohag 40: 169-186. The Linguistic Society of Korea.
- 2004. Phonetic vowel duration and stress in Kashmiri. Studies of Phonetics,Phonology,and Morphology10:3,421-435.
- 2003. Syllable weight: phonetic duration and phonemic contrast. Language Research 39:2, 355-381. Language Education Institute, Seoul National University.
- 2003. Not all heavy syllables attract stress. Eoneohag 35:77-130. The Linguistic Society of Korea.
- 2000. Phonetic and Functional Bases of Syllable Weight for Stress Assignment. Ph D. Dissertation. U. of Illinois.
- 1999. Where and why do CVC syllables count as heavy?WCCFL18:1-13.
- 1999. Vowel length-driven syllable weight. NELS29:2:11-26.
- 1997. Geminate inalterability based on aperture position. Essays in Honor of Sang-BuomCheun.Kumsung Publishing Co.,Korea.