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- 1989년 02월 Sung Kyun Kwan University (General Chemistry) 학사
- 1991년 08월 Sung Kyun Kwan University (Organic Chemistry) 석사
- 1996년 08월 University of North Texas (Materials Science) 석사
- 2001년 12월 University of Arizona (Environmental Chemistry) 박사
- 2010년 03월~2012년 02월 나노고분자재료공학과, 배재대학교 학과장
- 2010년 03월~현재 나노고분자재료공학과, 배재대학교조교수, 학과장
- 2008년 09월~2010년 02월 나노고분자재료공학과, 배재대학교전임강사
- 2005년 08월~2008년 08월 자기조립소재공정연구센터, 국민대학교센터전임교수
- 2004년 03월~2005년 07월 전기전자공학부, 포항공과대학교연구조교수
- 2001년 08월~2003년 11월 생명화학공학과, 일리노이주립대(어바나)포스트닥터
- 1997년 01월~2001년 09월 환경과학과, 아리조나대학교(투산)교육조교
- 1994년 09월~1995년 01월 재료과학과, 북텍사스대학교 교육조교
- 1995년 09월~1996년 05월 재료과학과, 북텍사스대학교 교육조교
- 1992년 09월~1993년 05월 대전시종합건설본부; 화학과, 성균관대학교연구조교
- 1991년 03월~1992년 09월대한민국 육군군복무
- 1990년 03월~1991년 02월화학과 성균관대학교교육조교
- Chemical Bonds between Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Nanofilm and Aminosilance Self-Assembled Monolayer Directly Identified by XPS and FT-IR Studies, Journal of Physical Chemistry B. In preparation. 2008.
- A Hight Performance Bottom Contact-Type Thin Film Transistor with Bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)-Pentacene Active Layer and Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Electrodes, Applied Physics Letters. Submitted. 2008.
- Amino-Functionalized Alkylsilane SAM-Assisted Patterning of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Nanofilm Robustly Adhered to SiO2 Substrate. Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society. 29, pp 1349-1352. July 20, 2008.
- Controllable Feature Sizes of Hightly Conductive Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Nanofilms Patter on SiO2 Surface. Journal of nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 8m in pressm Novermber 1, 2008.
- Fabrication of Multi-optical Filters Based on Encoded Rugate Porous Silicon, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 8m in press. November 1, 2008.
- Fabrication and Characterization of Surface-Derivatized DBR Smart Particles for Detection of Streptavidin. Jurnal of Nanoscience and Nonotechnoplogy. 9. in press Novemve 1, 2008.
- Horseshoe-Shaped Conformation of hyman L1 Ectodomains Identified by Direct Force Measurements. Biopolymers doi:10.1002/bip.20467. 2007.
- Study on Plasma Assisted Metal?Organic chemical Vapor Deposition of Zr(C,N) and Ti(C,N) Thin Films and In-Situ Plasma Diagnostics with Optical Emission Spectroscopy, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, 26, pp847-853. July 1, 2008.
- Protrusive Morphology of Bis(triisopropylsilylethyny)Pentacene Nanofilms Deposited on SiOS2 surface via Vacuum Thermal Evaporation Method. Electronic Materials Letter. 4, pp85-89. June 15, 2008.
- Significantly Improved Stabiliy of n-Octadecyltichlorosilane Self-Assembled Monolayr by Plasma Pretreatment on Mica. Thin Solid Films. 516, pp940-947. January 30, 2008.
- DBR PSi/PMMA Composite materials for Smart Patch Application Colloids & Surfaces A. 313-314, pp328-331.February 1. 2008.
- Significantly Improved Adhesion of Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Nanofilms to Amino-Silane Monolayer Pre-Patterned SiO2 Surfaces. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 8, pp3792-3794. November 1. 2007.
- The Structural and Mechanical Properties of Ti Films Fabricated by Using RF Magnetron Sputtering. Journal of the Korean Physical Society. 51. pp1105-1108. September 1, 2007.
- Surface Properties of Photocatalytic TiO2 Thin films Treated with Microwave Discharged Plasma Surface Treatment. Jurnal of the Korean Physical Society 51, pp1093-1095. September 1, 2007
- Perfluoroalkyltrichlorosilane Self-Assembled Monolayer as a Reliable MAsk for Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD). Journal of the Korean Physical Society 51, pp1093-1095. September 1, 2007
- Directed Molecular Self-Assembly: Its Applications to Potential Electronic Materials. Electronic Materials Letter. 3, pp109-114. November 1, 2007
- Di-and Tri-Aminosilane SAM-Assisted Patternin of Hightly Pure Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Nonofilms Robustly Adhered to Silicon Oxide Substrate. Surface & coatings Technology. 201, pp9426-9431. September 25, 2007.
- Aminosilane SAM-Assisted Patterning of Ploy(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)Nanofilm Robustly Adhered to SiO2 Substrate Macromolecular Rapid Communications. 28, pp1574-1580. August 1, 2007
- Fabrication of Cu/Co Bilayer Gate Electrodes Using Selective Chemical Vapor Deposition and Soft Lithographic Patterning. Journal of Applied Physics. Vol 100. pp113705. December 1. 2006.
- Selectice Vapor Deposition of Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Thin Film on an n-Octadecyltrichlorosilane Monolayer Oxidzed by Ultraviolet Photolithography. Jurnal of the Korean Physical Society. Vol. 49. No 1. pp736-740. December 19. 2006.
- Thermal stabiliy and adhesion improvement of Cu(Ag) n-Octadecyltrichlorosilane Monolayer Self-Assembled onMica. Langmuir. Vol 21. No 18. pp8290-8296. August 30. 2005.
- Solvent Vapor-Induced NanowireFormation in Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Thin Films. Macromolecular Rapid Communications Vol 26. Ni 10. pp834-389. May 19. 2005
- Som Physical characteristice and heavy Metal Analyes of Cotton Gin Waste for Potential Use as An Alternative Fuel. Korean Journal of chemical Engineering Vol 21. No 3. pp640-646. May 15. 2004.
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- A Study on the Removal Characteristics of Organic Matter by Coagulation. Journal of the Korean Society for Environmental Analsis. Vol 9. No 1. pp13-17. May 1, 2006
- A Study on the Chemical Constituents from Marine Sponge Luffariella sp.. Journal of the Korean chemical Society. Vol 39. No 7. pp559-563. 1995.
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- 자기조립단분자막을 이용한 패턴형성방법. 국내특허출원 중 10-2007-0027169. 출원인 : 산학협력단, 국민대학교. 발명자 : 김성수, 이재갑, 팽일선. 2007년 3월
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