

  1. 구분 : 학과장
  2. 연락처 : 042-520-5609 / 010-5006-7126
  3. 이메일 : skim@pcu.ac.kr


  1. 고분자물리화학
  2. 나노소재
  3. 콜로이드 및 계면화학
  4. 환경재료
  5. 전자재료


  1. 1989년 02월 Sung Kyun Kwan University (General Chemistry) 학사
  2. 1991년 08월 Sung Kyun Kwan University (Organic Chemistry) 석사
  3. 1996년 08월 University of North Texas (Materials Science) 석사
  4. 2001년 12월 University of Arizona (Environmental Chemistry) 박사


  1. 2010년 03월~2012년 02월 나노고분자재료공학과, 배재대학교 학과장
  2. 2010년 03월~현재 나노고분자재료공학과, 배재대학교조교수, 학과장
  3. 2008년 09월~2010년 02월 나노고분자재료공학과, 배재대학교전임강사
  4. 2005년 08월~2008년 08월 자기조립소재공정연구센터, 국민대학교센터전임교수
  5. 2004년 03월~2005년 07월 전기전자공학부, 포항공과대학교연구조교수
  6. 2001년 08월~2003년 11월 생명화학공학과, 일리노이주립대(어바나)포스트닥터
  7. 1997년 01월~2001년 09월 환경과학과, 아리조나대학교(투산)교육조교
  8. 1994년 09월~1995년 01월 재료과학과, 북텍사스대학교 교육조교
  9. 1995년 09월~1996년 05월 재료과학과, 북텍사스대학교 교육조교
  10. 1992년 09월~1993년 05월 대전시종합건설본부; 화학과, 성균관대학교연구조교
  11. 1991년 03월~1992년 09월대한민국 육군군복무
  12. 1990년 03월~1991년 02월화학과 성균관대학교교육조교


  1. Chemical Bonds between Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Nanofilm and Aminosilance Self-Assembled Monolayer Directly Identified by XPS and FT-IR Studies, Journal of Physical Chemistry B. In preparation. 2008.
  2. A Hight Performance Bottom Contact-Type Thin Film Transistor with Bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)-Pentacene Active Layer and Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Electrodes, Applied Physics Letters. Submitted. 2008.
  3. Amino-Functionalized Alkylsilane SAM-Assisted Patterning of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Nanofilm Robustly Adhered to SiO2 Substrate. Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society. 29, pp 1349-1352. July 20, 2008.
  4. Controllable Feature Sizes of Hightly Conductive Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Nanofilms Patter on SiO2 Surface. Journal of nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 8m in pressm Novermber 1, 2008.
  5. Fabrication of Multi-optical Filters Based on Encoded Rugate Porous Silicon, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 8m in press. November 1, 2008.
  6. Fabrication and Characterization of Surface-Derivatized DBR Smart Particles for Detection of Streptavidin. Jurnal of Nanoscience and Nonotechnoplogy. 9. in press Novemve 1, 2008.
  7. Horseshoe-Shaped Conformation of hyman L1 Ectodomains Identified by Direct Force Measurements. Biopolymers doi:10.1002/bip.20467. 2007.
  8. Study on Plasma Assisted Metal?Organic chemical Vapor Deposition of Zr(C,N) and Ti(C,N) Thin Films and In-Situ Plasma Diagnostics with Optical Emission Spectroscopy, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, 26, pp847-853. July 1, 2008.
  9. Protrusive Morphology of Bis(triisopropylsilylethyny)Pentacene Nanofilms Deposited on SiOS2 surface via Vacuum Thermal Evaporation Method. Electronic Materials Letter. 4, pp85-89. June 15, 2008.
  10. Significantly Improved Stabiliy of n-Octadecyltichlorosilane Self-Assembled Monolayr by Plasma Pretreatment on Mica. Thin Solid Films. 516, pp940-947. January 30, 2008.
  11. DBR PSi/PMMA Composite materials for Smart Patch Application Colloids & Surfaces A. 313-314, pp328-331.February 1. 2008.
  12. Significantly Improved Adhesion of Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Nanofilms to Amino-Silane Monolayer Pre-Patterned SiO2 Surfaces. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 8, pp3792-3794. November 1. 2007.
  13. The Structural and Mechanical Properties of Ti Films Fabricated by Using RF Magnetron Sputtering. Journal of the Korean Physical Society. 51. pp1105-1108. September 1, 2007.
  14. Surface Properties of Photocatalytic TiO2 Thin films Treated with Microwave Discharged Plasma Surface Treatment. Jurnal of the Korean Physical Society 51, pp1093-1095. September 1, 2007
  15. Perfluoroalkyltrichlorosilane Self-Assembled Monolayer as a Reliable MAsk for Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD). Journal of the Korean Physical Society 51, pp1093-1095. September 1, 2007
  16. Directed Molecular Self-Assembly: Its Applications to Potential Electronic Materials. Electronic Materials Letter. 3, pp109-114. November 1, 2007
  17. Di-and Tri-Aminosilane SAM-Assisted Patternin of Hightly Pure Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Nonofilms Robustly Adhered to Silicon Oxide Substrate. Surface & coatings Technology. 201, pp9426-9431. September 25, 2007.
  18. Aminosilane SAM-Assisted Patterning of Ploy(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)Nanofilm Robustly Adhered to SiO2 Substrate Macromolecular Rapid Communications. 28, pp1574-1580. August 1, 2007
  19. Fabrication of Cu/Co Bilayer Gate Electrodes Using Selective Chemical Vapor Deposition and Soft Lithographic Patterning. Journal of Applied Physics. Vol 100. pp113705. December 1. 2006.
  20. Selectice Vapor Deposition of Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Thin Film on an n-Octadecyltrichlorosilane Monolayer Oxidzed by Ultraviolet Photolithography. Jurnal of the Korean Physical Society. Vol. 49. No 1. pp736-740. December 19. 2006.
  21. Thermal stabiliy and adhesion improvement of Cu(Ag) n-Octadecyltrichlorosilane Monolayer Self-Assembled onMica. Langmuir. Vol 21. No 18. pp8290-8296. August 30. 2005.
  22. Solvent Vapor-Induced NanowireFormation in Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Thin Films. Macromolecular Rapid Communications Vol 26. Ni 10. pp834-389. May 19. 2005
  23. Som Physical characteristice and heavy Metal Analyes of Cotton Gin Waste for Potential Use as An Alternative Fuel. Korean Journal of chemical Engineering Vol 21. No 3. pp640-646. May 15. 2004.
  24. OTE-monolayer-coated Surfaces Surfaces Deformation and Adhesion. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Vol 107. No 16. pp3774-3781. April 24. 2003.
  25. The Effect of humidity on the Stability of an Octadecyltriethoxysilane Monolayer Self-Assembled on Untreated and Plasma-Treated Mica. Langmuir. Vol 18. No 6. pp2125-2129. March 19. 2002.
  26. A Study on the Removal Characteristics of Organic Matter by Coagulation. Journal of the Korean Society for Environmental Analsis. Vol 9. No 1. pp13-17. May 1, 2006
  27. A Study on the Chemical Constituents from Marine Sponge Luffariella sp.. Journal of the Korean chemical Society. Vol 39. No 7. pp559-563. 1995.
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  1. 자기조립단분자막을 이용한 패턴형성방법. 국내특허출원 중 10-2007-0027169. 출원인 : 산학협력단, 국민대학교. 발명자 : 김성수, 이재갑, 팽일선. 2007년 3월


  1. Adhesion between Surfaces Coated with Self-Assembled Monolayers: Effect of Humidity. Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Marcel Dekker Publisher. pp1-9. March 2004.
  2. Humidity Effect on the Stabilliy of an Octadecyltriethoxysilane Monolayer Self-Assemble on Mica. in Thin Films:Preparation, Characterization and Application. M. P. Soriga, J.Stichney, L.A. Bottomley, Y-G Kim. Kluwer Academic/Plenu, Publishers. pp309-317. August 2002.